CSI Cash

All New for 2023
CSI Cash is all new for 2023. You must create a new CSI Cash Account for 2023! We will give you your first $10 of CSI Cash just for signing up.

Results Automatically Tracked
You no longer need to submit your results; we will be tracking them at large races that qualify for CSI Cash (schedule to be published quarterly prior to the start of the season).

Earn cash multiple ways
Drivers can earn through links on social media posts, special promotions, and race results at big events.

Earn Commission
Another big change is the ability to earn commission on any sales generated from the links you share on social media posts.
Also new for 2023 you can use your cash towards the purchase of anything on our website 24 hours a day. In 2022 we handed out over $7,000 in CSI Cash and four Impact Racing driving suits! We are excited to grow the program and make it more user friendly in 2023. If you’re riding on CSI Shocks you have the ability to earn CSI Cash that can be used towards the purchase of anything we sell online. Sign up today and start earning CSI Cash.